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Two detained Christians have died this month in Eritrea after a "long period of torture


ASMARA, ERITREA (BosNewsLife)-- At least two detained Christians have died this month in Eritrea after a "long period of torture" in a notorious military prison camp, while the number of Christians jailed in the African nation because of their faith approaches 3,000, a well-informed Christian rights group said Wednesday, January 21. Netherlands-based Open Doors, which has close contacts with reportedly persecuted Christians in Eritrea and around the world, said Mogos Hagos Kiflom, 37, and Mehari Gebreneguse Asgedom, 42, died "most likely" at the beginning of January.

Authorities have apparently refused to give more details or to allow an independent autopsy. "The two died in the Mitire-Camp; Asgedom died in an isolation jail," Open Doors told BosNewsLife. The reported deaths of the two men brought the total number of Christians dying in detention to at least eight,  however "it is possible that more Christians have died," as part of a major crackdown on Christian activities, Open Doors told BosNewsLife.

The Mitire Camp, located in north-west Eritrea, is a "new military concentration camp" notorious for abuses, Open Doors said. It was reportedly set up especially for accommodating Christians.


Eritrean church leaders in comments released by Open Doors said 2907 Christians are now known to be detained in Eritrea, up from roughly 2,000 reported last year.

Most of those detained are described as "Bible-believing Christians" who are active in evangelical and Protestant movements, Open Doors said.

Advocacy groups claim many have been held in military camps, as well as shipping containers,
police stations and other facilities.

Since May 2002 only the Eritrese Orthodoxe Church, the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches are allowed as part of government efforts to crackdown on Christian activities,
several advocacy groups said.

Even within those churches leaders have complained off harassment: In 2006, the government removed Orthodox Patriarch Abune Antonios from office.