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Event focused on washing cars & cleansing hearts


GARLAND-Many groups use car washes as fund-raisers. But for members of Garland's Ethiopian Evangelical Baptist Church, their car wash wasn't about making money. They wanted to help people have clean cars and clean hearts.

Four consecutive Saturdays, the church hosted the car wash. Through the endeavor, 23 people chose to place their faith in Christ.

"We dedicated the month ... to go out and share the gospel with people," said Pastor Bedilu Yirga. "We did different things like having a car wash for everyone on the road. While their car was being washed, we shared the gospel with the owners."

"Three years ago, we were praying that God would open the way for us to share the good news to the people around us," said Mebratu Chefeq, head of evangelism at the church. "And he showed us this way."

In addition to the car wash, outreach endeavors included handing out 300 Bible MP3 sticks and compact disks including gospel presentations and 1,000 English and Spanish tracts. The church also committed to 40 days of prayer and sharing the gospel wherever they could.

Even though the church ministers primarily in Amharic, an Ethiopian language, and English, the members hope to begin Spanish-speaking Bible studies since the majority of new believers from the car wash speak Spanish. Pastor Yirga currently is looking for Spanish speakers who will partner with the church in this effort.

"I want this church to impact the local community regardless of their language," Yirga said. "I want this church to serve those who speak English and Spanish with holistic ministry-sharing the gospel, praying with them and assisting them with whatever their needs may be."

To continue this evangelistic spirit, some members have dedicated the second and fourth Sundays of each month to go to shopping centers, apartments and other place near the church so they can engage people, share the gospel and meet needs.